Monday 1 November 2010

BASH & PHP Football Score Checker and Emailer

In short, this is a system to check the BBC website for the football results, and send out automated email to people who have seen their team lose, complete with a link to the match report. This one is a bit of a mishmash of Bash & PHP, as it was written with speed in mind as opposed to elegance and readability. That said, it should be easy to modify to suit your purposes -  (A find and replace on the teams you are interested in should do). I also need to give some thanks to the BBC here, as the consistent way their site is setup has meant this has been running flawlessly for me for close to a year. Originally written in a hurry before a trip to India, this meant that despite my absense, I was still able to taunt colleagues at work when their football teams lost.


  • The Bash script, is the parent, which is configured in cron to run each Monday morning. Its job is to collect the source code from the BBC football results site, and grep for the first line matching the team we are looking for. It then dumps this into another file in the same directory which we will use later. Once it has completed this, it calls create_report.php
  • create_report.php opens the files created above and checks if the team has lost. If they have won, or drawn, it will not send out the email. If an email needs to be sent, it contains a template to the content of the email, and creates the text contained in the mail, including a link to the match report.


  • #!/bin/bash
    # A football results checker script. Checks if Portsmouth or
    # Palace have lost in the last week, and if so, sends out a
    # 'Commiseration' email
    #  An HRH Script!!!!
    # collect the data from the bbc site
    #wget --proxy=off $results_site -o results.txt
    wget $results_site -o results.txt
    # Check for the last time they played, and create a file with that information.
    cat default.stm | grep -m 1 "Crystal Palace" > $palace_file
    cat default.stm | grep -m 1 "Portsmouth" > $pompy_file
    # Run the php script to check these files
    ./create_report.php 2> /dev/null
    # Send out the emails if there is one to send.
    if [ -f $palace_email ] 
    rm -f $palace_email
    if [ -f $pompy_email ] 
    rm -f $pompy_email
    # Remove the used files to start fresh next monday
    rm -f default.stm  # remove the BBC website information
    rm -f p*res.txt    # remove the results text files
    rm -f results.txt

  • create_report.php

  • #!/usr/bin/php
    # This is a bit of code to parse the output from the football result files. If there are files to check, it
    # will have a look at them, work out whats happened, and send out the good news!!!
    # Assign variables
    $palace_email = "";
    $pompy_email = "";
    $palace_str = "Crystal Palace";
    $pompy_str = "Portsmouth";
    $palace_draw = false;
    $pompy_draw = false;
    # Collect data which has come from bash and wget
    $palace_text = `cat /var/www/hrhscript/footiecheck/palace_res.txt`;
    $pompy_text = `cat /var/www/hrhscript/footiecheck/pompy_res.txt`;
    $palace_len = strlen($palace_text);
    $pompy_len = strlen($pompy_text);
    # A function to clean up the html text passed in to a point where we can use it.
    # This is not done via a strip tags function as we can use this to our advantage later 
    function clean_up_html($text_in) {
        $out = str_replace('<div class="mvb"><a href="', "", $text_in);
        $out = str_replace('</div>', "", $out);
        $out = str_replace('" class="stats">', " % ", $out);
        $out = str_replace(' | <a href="', "", $out);
        $out = str_replace('">Report', "", $out);
        $out = str_replace('<a href="', "", $out);
        return $out;
    # A function to create the email text which will be sent out
    function create_email($team,$lost_to,$notify_name,$notify,$report_url,$file_name) {
        # Variables
        $start = "Dear $notify_name , \n\nIn my absence I would like to let you know that $team lost to $lost_to this weekend. \n\nI cannot personally tell you how rubbish their performance was, however, if it would make you any more miserable, I would like you to read the following match report: $report_url  \n\nKind regards,\nLord Butler";
        # Dump it into the file
        `echo "$start" > $file_name`;
    # Check what we have to work with, and create the email text.
    if ( $palace_len > 200 ) {
        ######### If the script is here, there are palace resutls to analyse:
        # Split up the data into lots of little bits
        $palace_clean = clean_up_html($palace_text);
        $palace_parts = explode("</a>", $palace_clean);
        $home_data = explode(" % ", $palace_parts[0]);
        $away_data = explode(" % ", $palace_parts[1]);
        $result_data = explode(" ", $away_data[0]);
        $result = $result_data[1];
        $scores = explode ("-", $result);
        $home_score = $scores[0];
        $away_score = $scores[1];
        #########  Start with the logic, find out if anything is worth sending.
        # Check if it was a draw.
        if ( $home_score == $away_score ) { $palace_draw = true; echo "The game was a draw \n";}
        if ( !$palace_draw ) { 
            # Check if Palace where home or away
            if ( $home_data[1] == $palace_str ) { $palace_home = true; $palace_away = false;$opposing = $away_data[1];} 
            if ( $away_data[1] == $palace_str ) { $palace_away = true; $palace_home = false; $opposing = $home_data[1];}
            # Check who won, home or away
            if ( $home_score > $away_score ) { $home_victory = true; } else { $home_victory = false; }
     # Check if palace lost
     if (( $palace_away && $home_victory ) || ( $palace_home && !$home_victory )) { 
            } else { 
                echo " $palace_str won \n"; 
    } else {
        echo "Palace Results Not found";
    #  Now check the pompy results  #
    # Check what we have to work with, and create the email text.
    if ( $pompy_len > 200 ) {
        ######### If the script is here, there are pompy resutls to analyse:
        # Split up the data into lots of little bits
        $pompy_clean = clean_up_html($pompy_text);
        $pompy_parts = explode("</a>", $pompy_clean);
        $home_data = explode(" % ", $pompy_parts[0]);
        $away_data = explode(" % ", $pompy_parts[1]);
        $result_data = explode(" ", $away_data[0]);
        $result = $result_data[1];
        $scores = explode ("-", $result);
        $home_score = $scores[0];
        $away_score = $scores[1];
        #########  Start with the logic, find out if anything is worth sending.
        # Check if it was a draw.
        if ( $home_score == $away_score ) { $pompy_draw = true; echo "The $pompy_str game was a draw \n";}
        if ( !$pompy_draw ) { 
            # Check if pompy where home or away
            if ( $home_data[1] == $pompy_str ) { $pompy_home = true; $pompy_away = false; $opposing = $away_data[1];} 
            if ( $away_data[1] == $pompy_str ) { $pompy_away = true; $pompy_home = false; $opposing = $home_data[1];}
            # Check who won, home or away
            if ( $home_score > $away_score ) { $home_victory = true; } else { $home_victory = false; }
     # Check if pompy lost
     if (( $pompy_away && $home_victory ) || ( $pompy_home && !$home_victory )) { 
            } else { 
                echo " $pompy_str won \n"; 
    } else {
        echo "pompy Results Not found";

  • victim_name_email.php

  • #!/usr/bin/php
    * The PHP mailer programs - HRH
    $to = ",";
    $subject = "This Weekends results";
    $msg = `cat /var/www/hrhscript/footiecheck/pompy_email.txt`;
    $header = 'From: Lord Butler';


    • This script assumes you are able to send / relay mail from the host.
    • Yes I know it could have all been handled by a single php script. It was written in a big hurry!
    • I have added the following line to my crontab, so that this runs at half eight on Monday morning:
    "30 8 * * 1 cd /var/www/hrhscript/footiecheck/ ; ./ #Football check report"

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